Incoming message from the Oh See himself, John Dwyer:
”Swift Sensations for sensitive times. A tingly twitch triggering tryst. A misused hairbrush.
The swish of the sword , the sk sk sk. of dusk. Best with headphones. Have a laugh.”
Shut your eyes and let the airpods take over. You have become (no, have always been) a disembodied rubber head — featureless save for two protruding ears. Impaled on a mic stand, you are the vessel for the shivery vibrations produced by rattling pom-poms, impatiently tapped nails, and crunched pickles.
Face Stabber, Dwyer and co.’s latest full-length venture, really does you like that. Oh Sees’ recent penchant for pugilistic titles and Kaiju-inspired artwork doesn’t always manifest as brute force in the music. Instead, the threats loom like figments of sleep paralysis or unseen entities that observe a trip gone sour. Especially when it comes to this record, which boasts 80 minutes of droned-out psych jams, listening can make you feel as static as an ASMR mic: poked and prodded by beings who’ve reached a higher plane.
The video for “Snickersnee,” which you can stream below, was produced and directed by Jordan Harris and Andrew Schrader. Cop a vinyl copy of Face Stabber via Castle Face Records.