Tiny Mix Tapes

One book about one album no longer enough, 33 1/3 releases “B-Sides” book of 55 essays on 55 underrated albums


The 33 1/3 book series — home to many a profound word about your favorite albums — has announced a brand new foray into the arena of Writing About Music For Print. Today, 33 1/3 has released The 33 1/3 B-sides: New Essays by 33 1/3 Authors on Beloved and Underrated Albums.

As the long full title suggests, The 33 1/3 B-Sides is a collection of 55 new essays from past 33 1/3 authors, all based around one central theme: “If given another chance to write for the series, which albums would you take on the second time around?” In total, the essays seek to get closer to the answer of the eternal question, why the hell do we like the music that we like?

Returning 33 1/3 authors cover albums such as John Cale’s Paris 1919, De La Soul’s De La Soul Is Dead, Silver Jews’ Bright Flight, and many many many more. (Full disclosure: our very own Mr P — writing under his lesser-known nom de plume — contributed the entry on Chuck Person’s Eccojams Vol. 1 [presumably the “full-speed version”].)

Head here to purchase the collection and check out the full list of albums covered. After reading the entire collection, remember this post, because 33 1/3 also has a poll up to vote on your favorite chapter to turn into the next full book. Find that poll here.

The 33 1/3 B-Sides is out now via Bloomsbury Publishing.