Tiny Mix Tapes

Chocolate Grinder Mix 11 - “From: Keith, For: Meghan McCain” “From: Keith, For: Meghan McCain”


In case you were wondering, we try to get permission for all the songs on these Chocolate Grinder mixes. We'll ask record labels, management, and publicists to use an artist's material, but we rarely contact the artists themselves. For Chocolate Grinder Mix 11, I decided to take the whole process over to MySpace, where the only thing coming between my pleas for tracks and the brilliant, visionary musicians making them was MySpace's shittily designed webpage and a glitchy music player. Some of the artists here are more known than others, but they were all super, super nice and quick to respond! For all the bands that I've left off, this is only volume one of who knows how many. Keep up the good work! NUFF SAID.

01. Aquwa Boys - "Come On Baby"
- Start time: 0:00; Links: Aquwa Boys
02. Silk Flowers - "Chance of Showersl"
- Start time: 1:34; Links: Silk Flowers
03. Tiny Fights- "Whats Mine"
- Start time: 5:50; Links: Tiny Fights
04. WETDOG - "8 Days"
- Start time: 9:43; Links: WETDOG
05. Rainbow Arabia - "The Basta"
- Start time: 11:43; Links: Rainbow Arabia
06. The Craters - "Kissables"
- Start time: 15:24; Links: The Craters
07. The Yataris - "Matty Hand is On Fire pt. 1"
- Start time: 16:53; Links: The Yataris
08. Zola Jesus - "Odessa"
- Start time: 19:56; Links: Zola Jesus
09. MEGA WAND - "Faux Reign"
- Start time: 24:00; Links: MEGA WAND
10. Max Elliott - "Go Down Moses"
- Start time: 26:40; Links: Max Elliott

Artwork: [Keith Kawaii]