Tiny Mix Tapes

Subtitle - Young Dangerous Heart


Young Dangerous Heart is Subtitle's debut full length for GSL. It's fully self-sufficient, in that you won't need to do a lot of looking things up. Subtitle spells it all out for you. The first real song "Gio-Graph-Ick" explains in an only slightly unique flow, that in case you didn't know, "Gio stands for Giovanni Marks, it's who I am/ It stands for human hologram/ Graph is like the way I place my verse upon the beat,/ kindof like a battleship doing diagonal math./ I-c-k stands for integrated circuit killer, What I do." Surprisingly (and somewhat disappointingly), it's one of the catchiest choruses the album has to offer. The verses are convoluted in styling, and his word choice is often very strange, leaving your neck perked and your face looking like a confused puppy. The content is also very straight forward and jokingly 2005 (like "You're in need of software upgrades to upload this jpeg file").

As far as beats and production go, there is nothing new here. While he is always noted for sampling the likes of Sonic Youth rather than, say, Boogie Down Productions, his sample sources don't get his production to turn heads, like they might, and they certainly don't save his brick-shaped flow. His delivery often comes off as sounding frail, and his skills need to be honed in on and perfected a bit more before they can taken seriously. The tracks could also use a bit more sonic treatment, as they sound like they were recorded with those little computer microphones (complete with digital delay around every corner). Subtitle's nerdy like that though, and as much as I like the nerdy shit, hearing about RCA and quarter inch plugs over dry beats just doesn't do it for me.

1. Intro
2. Gio-Graph-Ick
3. Leave Home
4. Palm Fronds
5. Young Dangerous Heart
6. Fast Food / Fast Death
7. Cray Crazy
8. Subtalk
9. Where To?
10. Con-Contrived (I'm Not)
11. Serial Boxes
12. I Feel Nothing
13. Springtime in Rufferdam
14. Killer Drones on Street
15. Organichemico
16. Crew Cut (For Sale)
17. Outro