It's possible to do everything right and still come up wrong. No More Songs About Sleep and Fire, the new album from The Poster Children, is a good album that's just plain boring. It is the Weather Channel of albums. There is nothing wrong with it, per se, but this CD gets old and sounds old from the second you start listening to it.
The Poster Children have been around since 1987, a time so far in the past that it might just be inconceivable for our younger readership. Eight albums and one major recording label later, they're still around and still from Illinois. Unlike most bands, they haven't mellowed with age. No More Songs is fast-paced, fueled by power chords, and has enough energy to power a house or two. The music sounds dated but highly listenable from the very first track, "Jane." It's obvious that over the years the Poster Children have learned to compliment each other seamlessly.
Everything is covered, but each song on this album has about as much sonic impact as a blender. In 37 minutes, there isn't a single moment when the music really hits with conviction. When it's all over, you might need to take a moment to stop staring off into space and blink your glazed-over eyes. When they're not sounding like a time capsule from the nineties, the Poster Children throw some politics into the mix. However, songs like "The Leader" or "Flag," will only get you excited if you're the type that can't wait for the next school board election.
Sometimes it seems like a band should just give up if it hasn't managed to break up, blow up, or die a gruesome death. Rock music is about more than just stringing together chords and beats. The best music has something intangible, and that's something no scientist could ever properly analyze or quantify. What this particular album needs is a creative spark that makes you stop and realize why you're listening at all. Unfortunately, it sounds like The Poster Children lost it many years ago.
1. Jane
2. Western Springs
3. Sugarfriend
4. Flag
5. Shy
6. The Floor
7. The Leader
8. Now It's Gone
9. Different & Special Things
10. The Bottle
11. Hollywood Pt. II
12. Midnite Son