Here we go again...
It seems that once a genre or a scene is discovered by every Joe and Jane, it becomes the next big thing. Hundreds of aspiring or struggling musicians hear a sound, see the buzz, and watch the crowds. They study every nook and cranny of the foul practice. They become the scientists of the industry, trying to find the right concoction to transform from the bland Dr. Jekyl into the unpredictable Mr. Hyde.
Mommy and Daddy, unfortunately, are about as predictable as Carol Brady and Danny Tanner. They have the same style and the same sound as the rest of their comrades. Armed with a bass guitar, a sequencer, and castaway clothing from the 1980s, the married duo of Vivian Sarratt and Edmond Hallas sweep through their first American release with little panache and lazy swagger. Fighting Style Killer Panda lacks the passion, sexuality, power, and fervor not only found in similar releases, but also between young married couples. Each track feels unloved and neglected, as if they were the bastard children of this musical union.
The crowning achievement of this EP is the inclusion of one of the worst remixes to close an album. "Confection" (which, in its original form, opens the album) is a jerky trek through an already mundane song. The additions of the '80s clap track and pseudo disco beats only punctuate Sarratt's throaty voice. It's a shame that a band full of ideas have failed to find the right combination to become a combustible element. Latching onto a scene may be the easy part, but being a respected and influential force takes more than just tagging along for the ride.
1. Confection
2. Street Cleaner Demeanor
3. The Now
4. Run It Off
5. Question Marks Followed by Exclamation Marks
6. Confection (Remix) 1. Confection
2. Street Cleaner Demeanor
3. The Now
4. Run It Off
5. Question Marks Followed by Exclamation Marks
6. Confection (Remix)