Tiny Mix Tapes

Innaway - Innaway


This might be the closest I get to liking Steely Dan. There's something so lean and mean about these grave robbin' sons a bitches sound that I find irresistible. The way they let their songs breathe when most bands would be inclined to blow their muck is what keeps them from being just another buncha overblown culture vultures. That sweeping airiness, combined with static rimmed synth squelches and drum machines make for a decidedly fresh sounding recording -- despite the obvious '60s feel. It may have something to do with the fact that John McEntire did the final mix-down. Or we just might have us a notable exception of a new/old psych-rock band here.

They're not as dense or as singular sounding as Dead Meadow, but they certainly have more variety to offer through the course of an album. Melodic ideas seem to be lacking with both bands. They don't seem to care much about coming up with a strong melody, since there are so many fine moody, ashen progressions of yore to be mined and refined. But with both bands, there is a sonic mastery that almost rewrites the stoned murk of our classic rock forebears for people who're ready to embrace the fantastic, if familiar, bands of the present.

Never mind if it's been done. Saying "it's been done" has been done. I did it in my Thunderlip review, but I had to rate the album highly, because it just sounded terrific. There's no reason to balk at this idea of re-writing the classics. The past masters have either retired or continued to defile what was ever good about their music in the first place. So rather than straight-up cover bands, we can get into acts like Innaway, who're trying to take these basic templates and update them in a way that carries the torch without needing it to be passed to them. Personally, I'm glad they're out there.

1. Threathawk
2. The Strings of North Egg
3. Tiny Brains
4. Rise
5. Fall
6. Follow Moon
7. Post FM
8. Golden
9. Stolen Days
10. George Walker on Water