I am a violent male. As such, this type of fluffy goodness is a little too reflective for me in the slow passage. It's at those times I must look back at my life of rage and regret, each moment painted in agony like an electrocution from within at the realization that I've wasted my life trying to bust up the party when I could've been on the road with the Howard Hello traveling experience, living an intriguing life of decadent harmony. That kind of heartbreaking epiphany is not one I enjoy, but I'm sure this EP will appeal to those with a gentler soul. Normally a duo, the EP we have here is the sound of one Kenseth Thibideau amusing himself in the studio, borrowing subtle Pink Floyd nuances and generally chilling out, while Marty Anderson, forced by a stomach disorder to move back home to his parent's, set to task the completion of his solo project Okay. "More Of The Same" sees Thibideau take a fraction of the Polyphonic Spree's cloudy vocals and gliding them over a floating '80s Floyd-style melody all glossed over by production in the vein of Paper Parrot's "Avalon" cover. At least the guitar lead from that track is very similar to David Gilmore's mammoth-for-1987 riff from "Learning To Fly," but he manages to do it somewhat successfully. The highlight here, for me, was the oddly titled "Interlude," a respectable Sigur Ros noodle that creates a soothing, relaxing atmosphere, leaving the listener unprepared for the chugging bass awaiting them at the start of "Follow." But Howard Hello, at least on this EP, fails to capture the icy Scandinavian chill that Ros lives on. I don't know what it is specifically, but this whole EP gives me a real John Hughes soundtrack vibe, so it just doesn't cut it for me. To each their own, I suppose.
1. More Of The Same
2. Interlude
3. Follow
4. Even More Of The Same