The enchanting debut from Husky Rescue, the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist and Helsinki native Marko Nyberg, gracefully slides from creepy folk-hop to electro-mod seemingly on a whim like an alt. country Beta Band, everything glazed in a Nordic chill. The core of the first two tracks "Sweet Little Kitten" and lead single "Summertime Cowboy" lies in the chemistry between the fast-paced-for-melancholy warm and fuzzy bass and the sweet sound of vocalists Emma Salakoski and Reeta-Leena Korhola respectively, those being my personal favs, but -- stemming from Nyberg's specific filmmaker influences -- every track has a cinematic soundscape differing in subtle style but not mood. You should feel better after listening to Country Falls, more relaxed. That's what good chill music does and this is surely that.
Husky Rescue's refusal to adhere to strict genre labeling in lieu of mood also pays dividends on par with the work of David Lynch and Lars van Tier, two of Marko's major inspirations from the medium of film. Some of the greatest movies don't really have a classification as clear cut as comedy and action like American Beauty and the first Matrix, while the worst tend to be genres with films attached like the third Matrix and every Jennifer Lopez flick made, excluding The Cell, naturally. The older things get, a better definition of what they were we gain and so the transcendence of older influences, to find one's niche and oneself becomes the standard of judgment for artists versus imitators. The artists that last, from The Beatles to Beck, are champions of reinvention; and so I believe Nyberg, with his mission statement far more complex than "I wanna rock," to be the real deal. Get in on Husky Rescue before it becomes fashionable. Has Catskills ever steered you wrong before?
1. Sweet Little Kitten
2. Summertime Cowboy
3. New Light Of Tomorrow
4. Sunset Drive
5. My World
6. City Lights
7. Gasoline Girl
8. Rainbow Flows
9. Sleep Tight Tiger
10. Mean Street
11. The Good Man
12. The Man Who Flew Away