Tiny Mix Tapes

Goldcard - Goldcard


I’m going to keep this review really short, because I believe that everyone who is wasting time reading this review should get a head start to their local music shop (or Soul Seek) and purchase (or download) Goldcard’s debut self-titled release. Beyond the comparisons to Grandaddy, Goldcard have successfully created a record that Grandaddy themselves should have released instead of their mediocre Sumday earlier this year. Goldcard does consist of assistance from members of Grandaddy and Quasi, but the success of the record lies on the shoulders of Charlie Campbell, well known for his work in the '90s with a collective named Pond. Goldcard has been a project in development for over four years and has finally seen release as a complete package this year. Campbell’s overwhelming efforts are evident on the record, as he completely arranged all aspects of the record by himself, portraying an intimate sensation of hard work and success.

On the record, intertwined between soulful and mesmerizing instrumental pieces, are a handful of songs that are simply gorgeous. “Rabbit,” “Destroy & Create,” and “Didn’t Feel A Thing” are just samples of the charm and pizzazz that Goldcard inhibit. These sounds grab a hold of you, compelling you to listen attentively. And even though half of the songs are instrumentals, each one of them is unique and simply fantastic. The three untitled songs from tracks seven to nine flow coherently and grip you until the next vocal song, titled “Picture of a Horse,” another gem on the album. And the best track comes late on the record as “Untitled #12” antes up the entire collection of previous songs and rocks out at a strangely dark and heavy pace. This musical shift exemplifies the complex work of this collective of musicians. And as you continue to the end of the record, your ultimate conclusion will likely be that this record is definitely one of the best of 2003.

My question to you is this: Have you heard Goldcard yet? If not, I urge you to do so, and I mean right now. This record has gone almost unnoticed but deserves recognition. And to those of you who actually find Grandaddy’s Sumday entertaining and accomplished must consider trying Goldcard; it’s just simply that much better.

1. Untitled
2. We only doubt which theory we will be proving first
3. Untitled
4. Destroy & Recreate
5. Rabbit
6. Didn't feel a thing
7. Untitled
8. Untitled
9. Untitled
10. Picture of a horse
11. If I could help it
12. Untitled
13. It had a dream
14. Birthday
15. A fascinated eye production
16. Untitled