Tiny Mix Tapes

Gosling - Gosling EP


You ready for some high-ass drama raw rock style? Are you? You're ready for anything, aren't you. Okay, so Gosling makes something tangibly spooky and anthemic. Their EP sounds like The Cramps with a White Album type of affinity for bells and whistles (horns, weird noises, background vocal harmonies) to adorn its dirgey processions. Very nice production. The vocals are whiny and glammy if that.

It's passionate music, butbutbut -- no -- it's passionate professional music. Seems to work best during its more intense moments of crescendo (I guess that's true with all rock) when the singer is howling like a Howard Dean. When they slow down and add the more restrained pretty-pretty harmonies, they sound bland and IMMENSELY familiar. Or maybe you just notice it more. But, like I said, professional release. Lots of nice touches.

The lyrics. Normally don't care that much about lyrics in rock. Mostly because there's been a ton of great rock bands with retarded lyrics. These lyrics are kind of dumb, and they detract and distract from the strength of the band instrumentally. "If I could rearrange destiny, I put it back where it used to be." That's part of the chorus for "I Am The Avocado." If you think that's insightful or novel, then I hate you with every goddamned fiber of my being.

That's it. I've had enough of this stuff. The vocals are impassioned but very, very bland in their general familiarity. You can pick this up if you want. It's not the worst thing to come down the pike. But I'd suggest you get Royal Trux instead, if you haven't already. They do the same sort of garbage can rock but it ain't anywhere near as pompous.

1. Mr. Skeleton Wings
2. Worm Waltz
3. I Am The Avocado
4. Chemical Drive
5. Here Is...