left" width="71" height="71">The Movement
Kill Rock Stars, 2003
rating: 3/5
reviewer: k___iller
I want to put this as nicely as possible when I say I have filed this album under “whatevs.” Although I don’t do this often, I bought this album off a “tip” from a friend of mine who is no longer reputable. She said, “The Gossip are your new favourite band!” How could I pass that up for 10 bucks?
When I first put the album I was just oh so excited to hear my new favourite band. What could I be expecting here? Something new!! Finally!! What did I get? Another effing down south, “we play the tambourine in all our songs” band. Don’t get me wrong, this band is not jumping on what the critics describe as “rock and roll revival” bandwagon, they have actually been sitting on the back porch rocking this stuff for quite some time apparently. Rightly so as well, the band is originally from Arkansas. I just get a little bit frustrated when I try to find something new and it is just the same old shit, for lack of a better phrase.
Maybe I am being unfair. Rock and roll revival is so hot right now, and I bet a lot of its biggest fans would be eating this album up (Google for reviews). More so, I am sure that given the right circumstance, like if I hadn’t heard better versions of this type of band already, I may have thought this album was amazing and original. But how it stands, I wish I had downloaded some mp3’s before buying this one. I was a bit disappointed.
1. Night
2. Jason's Basement
3. No No No
4. Don't Make Waves
5. Gone
6. Yesterday's News
7. Fire Sign
8. Confess
9. Lessons Learned
10. Danger
11. Light Light Sleep