Tiny Mix Tapes

All Girl Summer Fun Band - 2


Oh, punk pop, how I miss thee. I remember my formative years when Lookout! and similar like-minded bubblegum pop labels spoon-fed me infectious melodies that I so often craved. I'd spend lonely weekends contemplating when it would be my time to write pubescent punk songs to impress the cute punk girlies. That time never came. Consequently, my aims have changed considerably (I decided to get buff, and now beat up the weak), but I've always had a soft spot for the sloppy melodies and cute cookie-cutter arrangements of the genre. Originality never thrived in this realm, and All Girl Summer Fun Band's second release, 2, exemplifies this notion perfectly. But judging the album based on originality is like judging Revolver as if it had just been released last year. The punk pop paradigms were set up throughout the 60s and 70s; the best a group can do now is reinvigorate it for a new audience, and AGSFB do it wonderfully. Through 14 tracks and 30 minutes of the cutest, squeeziest, scrunchiest, poppiest, cheekyist lollipop tunes created this year, AGSFB deliver a record to watch your ice cream melt to. In fact, I would venture to say 2 is the happiest record I've heard in years. It sure beats Slow Riot for a New Zero Kanada. And if you tell me that the fudge harmonies don't make you forget about all the violence in the world, I'll break your neck. Aside from the yellow squeeze level, the best feature of 2 is its near-live feel; I have no tolerance for the dreaded Triple P: pristinely-produced pop. I warn any PP band (pop-punk band) that creates a Triple P will be subjected to coercive measures. Is that clear? ... Woohoo! Let's play video games!  How do you parallel park? I have a crush on Becky.

Oh, punk pop, how I miss thee. I remember my formative years when Lookout! and similar like-minded bubblegum pop labels spoon-fed me infectious melodies that I so often craved. I'd spend lonely weekends contemplating when it would be my time to write pubescent punk songs to impress the cute punk girlies. That time never came. Consequently, my aims have changed considerably (I decided to get buff, and now beat up the weak), but I've always had a soft spot for the sloppy melodies and cute cookie-cutter arrangements of the genre. Originality never thrived in this realm, and All Girl Summer Fun Band's second release, 2, exemplifies this notion perfectly. But judging the album based on originality is like judging Revolver as if it had just been released last year. The punk pop paradigms were set up throughout the 60s and 70s; the best a group can do now is reinvigorate it for a new audience, and AGSFB do it wonderfully. Through 14 tracks and 30 minutes of the cutest, squeeziest,
scrunchiest, poppiest, cheekyist lollipop tunes created this year, AGSFB deliver a record to watch your ice cream melt to. In fact, I would venture to say 2 is the happiest record I've heard in years. It sure beats Slow Riot for a New Zero Kanada. And if you tell me that the fudge harmonies don't make you forget about all the violence in the world, I'll break your neck. Aside from the yellow squeeze level, the best feature of 2 is its near-live feel; I have no tolerance for the dreaded Triple P: pristinely-produced pop. I warn any PP band (pop-punk band) that creates a Triple P will be subjected to coercive measures. Is that clear? ... Woohoo! Let's play video games! How do you parallel park? I have a crush on Becky.

1. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Trouble Maker
2. Down South, 10 Hours, I-5
3. Ticking Timebomb
4. Jason Lee
5. Grizzly Bear
6. Inarticulation
7. Day Dreaming
8. Video Game Heart
9. Million Things
10. Parallel Park
11. Longer I Wait, The
12. Samantha Secret Agent
13. Becky
14. Tour Heart Throb