Tiny Mix Tapes

Amps for Christ - Every Eleven Seconds


Praise Jesus! Praise the lord! Glory be unto him! These aren't phrases ordinarily associated with indie music. And though the moniker Amps for Christ may evoke a certain apprehension of the music and a warm spot for some heavenly being, Every Eleven Seconds does nothing but strike fear into the hearts of believers and non-believers alike. Not due to its heavy-handed preaching (of which there is none ”” come on, do you really expect TMT to cover any Christian artist besides Sufjan?), but due to the elements of noise and psychedelia running rampant throughout the album. That's correct young children, Amps for Christ is nothing more than another one of those far-out bands that us TMTers pay more attention to because we can. Usually it's a delight ”” much like opening gifts on Christmas day ”” to pop in an avant album and wait for the fuzz to whisk you away to the land of happy drone elves and magical folk sprites; a land where effects pedals and field recordings flow from mountain streams; where sidewalks are paved with all the rare vinyl releases the underground noise scene has to offer. Snapping back to reality, Every Eleven Seconds fails to transport you to such a place, but not for a lack of trying. Amps for Christ pull no punches when implementing every brand of drone, blip, noise, squelch, scream, and belch available. The album tries to please the psychedelics, the freak-folks, and the noise bastards. But there are too many mouths to feed, leaving nothing more than a large mess. There are moments of pure bliss and cohesion ("Proof Man," "Out on the Moon"), but most of the album can't seem to fully satisfy each quotient of sound Amps for Christ dare to explore.

1. Augmented/Demented
2. Cock O' the North
3. Out on the Moon (slight return)
4. Thompson Hunter
5. Violated
6. El Corazon de San Vicente
7. I Hate this Dumpster
8. Shiploaf
9. Scotland the Brave
10. Proof Man
11. The Crossing
12. Chorus
13. Sweet Dove