The solo debut from Danish producer Rasmus Møbius is wall-to-wall electronic dub. This is to say, Medicine Walk is not organically arranged Jamaican dub, nor is it richly programmed Shpongle psy-dub. No, this Walk sticks to the path of steady, programmed dub beats with fluctuating synth foliage as dedicated as a Seeing Eye dog. It's not terribly written; it's just the synthetic sounds never change, and the beats all feel like they were transcribed from original Island dubs. I would say it's an act that gets old fast, but this was never that captivating in the first place.
1. Boxfresh
2. Wooden Sides
3. Medicate 'n' Roll
4. Sparkling Or Still
5. Walk/Drive
6. Days Are Packed
7. Foxred
8. Delorean
9. Cortado
10. Mint
1. Boxfresh
2. Wooden Sides
3. Medicate 'n' Roll
4. Sparkling Or Still
5. Walk/Drive
6. Days Are Packed
7. Foxred
8. Delorean
9. Cortado
10. Mint