Classic Glass is such a dippy record but its boundless pop energy eventually broke through my defenses despite my fairly intense reservations. Andrew Graham & Swarming Branch (why not just a simple band name? fuck man) flaunt fuzzy-fun chops as they explore the haunts no one is even thinking of traversing these days. Which is why I refuse to pass this one into the burnout pile. It believes in rock and/or roll, deep in its carefree soul, and who am I to argue with that? That’s above my pay grade, Wilbur. What’s more, I truly believe there are times when Graham and his wacky bunch hit upon a plane higher than your typical young-guy-tinkering-around level. It’s not all the time, mind you. If these puppies want to go anywhere in this crowded climate they’re going to have to whittle their songs down and fill their expensive-to-produce LPs with nothing but the straight-butter. Until then, however, Classic Glass represents a decent swipe at something that was probably unattainable anyway, so I can’t fault them for trying. Hints of Elephant 6, too, if that means anything to anyone these days.
More about: Andrew Graham & Swarming Branch