Should we discuss the handmade wood sleeve that encapsulates Everything is Forever and how it seems to mimic the earthy, yet hardened slab of rock and roll embodied by Black Helicopter? Perhaps we can discuss the juicy press release blurb from thee almighty Thurston Moore speaking to the band’s brand of heaviness and how it makes sense for Thurston to dig on a band that sounds similar to the early Ecstatic Peace alternative mold? It’s all worthy because Everything is Forever is good, even if it’s not some reinvention of rock presentation. In an era where rock and roll is just as manufactured as the Nashville sound, it’s nice to have a slice that isn’t predictable and yet is familiar. All those facets of 80s and 90s rock that focused on how our existence is but rank and file is configured to fit with the digital age on Everything is Forever. It’s easy to forget that as a libi-tard or Pepe troll, but considering how we pine for smart devices to do the heavy lifting, our behavior is now part of the Internet of Things. And these things are impressionable; they watch us like eyes from stillness. They record our mistakes and miscues, and all we can do is hope that they are normal human missteps and not some shitheel antics that cast us in the very real light of our ugliness. The sneer and smirk with which Black Helicopter repeat our sins (along with their own) is admirable. We clearly live in a nation that pretends to want to be told “like it is” and here is the band that is doing it. There’s nothing about how you present yourself on social media, how coal is destructive, how a clean energy policy is necessary, how Crooked Hillary is…that’s all noise for the real communique. So, should you truly want a straight shot, queue up Everything is Forever.
More about: Black Helicopter