I don’t know how Hemlock Tapes manage to be an unsearchable entity, I only respect their anonymity. Unfortunately for them, however, I’ve had the pleasure of making Catholic Guilt’s acquaintance in the past. CASE CRACKED! Now let’s get down to business: Is this another one of those improv/noise tapes that should very well be allowed to fall through the cracks considering the intense proliferation of said products in this day and age? And the answer is NO MUH-FUGG, WE JUST GETTIN’ STARTED. By which I mean, I hear a lot of experimental musics ‘round here, but CG find a way to justify their existence every time they get together, seemingly. There’s something about their combination of found-sound, live instruments, drone tropes, and experimental aesthetic that makes sense, and the impossibility of pinning down just what renders it special is half the fun. I imagine this is what it’s like to spend the night under a busy bridge in bumtown: Cars roaring by overhead, street musicians tootling, fires crackling, and minds the-fuck-up blowing.
More about: Catholic Guilt