Goddamn it motherfucker, this is more like it. I don’t want you to tune your guitar, or check your ‘levels,’ or bitch to the sound dude about how the bass takes away from the vocal; what I want you to do is tear those brand-new jeans of yours a little. Grand Trine made the Cerbs cut a few years ago with a proper 12-inch on Divorce, but I’m just gonna come out and say it: This is way better. The ballad on the b-side is the perfect counterweight to the bombastic jail-cell rock on A, like powdered Jagger being snorted off a tabletop then taken for a nice cruise by a greaser cover band. The overall presentation of “I Need You Baby” is like Ramones as interpreted by Woven Bones, while the flip is quite simply a catchy-ass ballad, no more no less. Thick riffs, super-thick vinyl = good times had by all (but mostly me).
More about: Grand Trine