Spread across a few labels, Greg Davis’ States series has been warming cockles for much of 2011, and though 2012 is upon us, we must rectify the mistake of not speaking of these wonderful releases. So we catch up with the ‘third’ installment, which yields parts 5 and 6 of Davis’ masterstroke. Finding its home on the equally daft Draft, States (3) is a minefield of buzzes, blips, and beeps. The tape alternates harmoniously between fast and slow, Davis switching between lightning strikes of tangled electronics before easing into simplistic, almost quiet periods of cleaning up the messes he made. More so, States (3) is a look into invention; Davis’ creative process is put on display in such a manner that any filtering or editing is insignificant. States (3) is the sound of cogs and gears moving effortlessly in the brain, transferring idea into locomotion. So much commotion to be had with a modular synthesizer, with Davis making calculating, albeit frenzied, outbursts of creativity — how valiant!
More about: Greg Davis