I’m astonished by how familiar “His Love” sounds as this blast-back to 90s house begins. Wait, is this some strange appropriation of Rusted Root’s “Send Me On My Way”? A likely coincidence, but obvious nonetheless. The world has finally bridged apathetic hippy drivel with repetitive dance and turned out a winner. It’s the formula behind Freedom 2K, a mini-marathon of House of Style background rhythms without the sexy mole of Cindy Crawford or the odd homebody tips of Todd Oldham. Ah, how times flies, moves forward, and then steps back. The new dance-tastic version of Amanda Brown is austere, almost untouchable like the supermodel show evoked by this 12-inch. It’s a strange transformation from Pocahaunted’s contemplation to LA Vampires’ ritz, but it’s one that seems rather apropos as the divide grows. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a catwalk to dominate. Youknowwhatheysaybouttheyoung.
More about: L.A. Vampires by Octo Octa