Can’t get this thing to play at the beginning of most of the songs but once that needle sets in all troubles evaporate. The flexi-book idea seems to be a relatively new phenomenon (Castle Face and Famous Class both did one) and while I have reservations about the aforementioned playability the art direction of this piece is outstanding. Lame Drivers are an extremely game band, capable of spitting out common-guy indie-rock without going all Meneguar on us (too soon?). If you like the ragged rawk of The Replacements and Cloud Nothings you will find a lot of kindred traits on this record, though there’s nothing sloppy about “Frozen Egg”; quite the opposite. Their instinctive rockist approach is pure and beguiling in a ramshackle way without giving up on its smarts, even when the singer is quacking up a bit out there. “We R Notified,” an intriguing tangle of random guitar figures, is another keeper for your trapper. Five flexis, five artists designing the lustrous pages in between, and one TMT reader who should get going on this before it goes hella-OOP (are you trying to make a schmuck of me?).
More about: Lame Drivers