I can see why the head honcho over at Moniker Recs was all piss-jazzed about this one. Lazy propel punk forward by way of the bounciest riffs/beats since The Je Ne Se Quoi and the meatiest choruses since… The Ramones? Yeah, against all odds, one of these blokes apes Johnny pretty hard and well. If short and to-the-point is your thing, meet Lazy and watch as they mega-blast through nine songs in 23-or-so minutes of feverish fuzz. It’s a double-pronged attack that sees a fanged female jumping on the megaphone for some choice words, giving Johnny a rest, and once he gets back it’s as if we’re meeting for the first time. It’s shitty of him to leave us wanting more as he does, but Lazy gotta go. Chicago punk may never be the same.
More about: Lazy