As big a fan as I am of Andy Ortmann’s Panicsville projects, Luca Sigurta comports himself equally well on this luscious one-sided 12-inch. He snarls at us through his keyboards and raves with us through his rhythms, pulled from a minimalist beatbox. The intersection between noise and darkwave could easily be plopped down right here. It takes guts to tangle with the devil, and Sigurta is up to the task. So what does Ortmann do? He smacks that motherfuckin’ bitch up. Within “Paura Nella Città Dei Morti Viventi” I hear a woman screaming and a killer calmly plotting his getaway then droning his car down a black highway. Soon, it’s all twisted metal and corroded cries. Fuck, Panicsville can do no wrong. At times this is the most minimal synth-noise stuff you can imagine, sometimes barely warbling along before being picked up by a gust of wind or a faux-cheesy synth burp or maybe even a crow throwing out a coldwave CAW-CAW. Then the bottom drops out and we lurch to the finish line under the bated breath of a raging Rancor. YESSS. There are 100 copies of this and it’s somehow not sold out yet, but time is not your friend.
More about: Luca Sigurtà / Panicsville