Oren Ambarchi personifies what we tend to dig over here at TMT, “Curfew” yet another reason to get acquainted with the Sydney-borne guitarist/percussionist, though there’s not much most would recognize as guitar or percussion (it’s there though). It’s a thick, milky drone, abetted by crotales, bells, and cello, all set to eternal-drift mode. I love Brian Wilson, but fuck ‘im; this is a middle-aged symphony to god. There’s not much Ambarchi can’t do, simply put. Luminance Ratio’s side whips itself into more of a Six Organs-style trance, with wisps of percussion sliding subtly in and out of the background as an ominous tone hovers like a shark of a storm cloud. When the wind whips up in Corpus Christi as it has these past few days you need immense records like this to pin your soul to the ground and blow back against the gales, and the luminous red pressing doesn’t do much to impede the joy within. Hand-numbered, hotcakes on the side (disclaimer: no cakes, hot or otherwise, come with this 7-inch).
More about: Luminance Ratio / Oren Ambarchi