My People Pray By Starlight are the bad cop. The nega-world perpetuated by MPPBS’s half of magnetic tape is a grimy, groovy natural world of feel-good beach rhythms interrupted by a mad man’s static preaching. Better to bask in its aural unpredictability than the sad truth of murder, brainwashing, and deceit (we reserve the right to revoke this sunny alternative if any members of MPPBS go Dexter). If the Cali outfit isn’t asked to soundtrack the Inherent Vice adaptation, all hope for humanity should be deemed a lost cause. Of course, that’s a fleeting blip once Yusuke Tsutsumi, the good cop, takes over. Tsutsumi’s work is a much-needed human touch, awash in a world of DJ Shadow and Fennesz. Considering that collaboration seems impossible, it’s a blessing Tsutsumi has arrived on our planet. And though the pairing of this split seems odd — a psychedelic workout partnered with a blissed-out trip-hop ambiance — we know the odd officer pairings are box office gold. Best to get it before its purity is erased by A.O. Scott.
More about: My People Pray by Starlight/ Yusuke Tsutsumi