It’s a world-beater attitude under the current of Beneath the Marred and Blackened Hand. I’m reminded of Stone Temple Pilot’s “Creep,” not only because of the wounded hand visual seeping across the planes of time, but because of a particular concert incident more than a decade ago. A young man was feeling up a woman at a STP show, Weiland stopped, shamed the guy (who was also beaten up by the woman) and dedicated “Creep” to anyone un-cool enough to grope women and not take the same amount of heroin as he. What has this to do with Outer Gods and their tape, which just so happens to speak to a mangled limb? Why not a Johnny Tremain or even a Johnny Knoxville reference? Point is, the seething anger of that poor young woman and her reaction, to take back the power and beat up the loser, is the sound of BTMABH. This tape seethes, teeters, and pounces. Its organic screeches and telepathic fireballs to heinous acts is a sound worth basking and channeling. No one should have to go through life scared or angry, so let Outer Gods give you the release and courage to do what needs to be done. Whether that’s putting a dolt in his place or fixing our planet, it’s your choice. Just do it to this tape. Don’t let its appearance fool you. It’s uplifting and victorious over the lords of evil.
More about: Outer Gods