There’s a reason Sophomore Lounge is quickly worming its way into my ebon heart: it spits out records by the likes of bands such as Spider Bags. Hailed as a Replacements cum Townes cum Oblivions is high praise for a press junket, yet Spider Bags exceed the lofty praise in six solid minutes of 7-inch pleasure. A-side “Papa Was a Shithead” packs in a lot of melody in just over a minute, the ferocious punk assault softened by attention to detail (even if the repeatable chant of “Papa was a shithead” is juvenile in its cleverness). If you keep the turntable on repeat (and it’s tempting), you’ll miss the tender country jangle rock of “I Wish That I Never Fed You.” True to description, the band turn their punk sneer into roadhouse tear-jerking. The slide is pulverizing but not overpowering. It’s the music of hard necks, blue collar men with an adolescent pattern of looking for trouble but responsible for family and children. Digging deep into the soul of wantonness. Spider Bags — give me more.
More about: Spider Bags