Digesting release after release from Sujo, my main concern over the last few has been: I hope these guys don’t, in the process of progressing, start to sound like the other bands they’ve been ruling like a dictator (which is why I paid attention in the first place). While Repent (truth be told this is a double cassette but I’ve already reviewed Ondan elsewhere and refuse to repeat myself. Plus, Repent is worth it on its own.) dabbles in more drum beats than usual, and skirts dangerously close to an odd form of blackened shoegaze, which I will call deathgaze, ‘Jo, by Jove, have still bloody got it. None of the ominousness is withheld, nor any of the broad strokes of noise-doom that remind me of that old 20 Buck Spin band, Pussygutt. If you’re looking for a concise summary of what Sujo represent in the here-and-lately, the title track wraps it all up neatly, from hyper-speed black-metal beats to more of those MBV ride-cymbal glides to punishing Locrian aural cavities that continue to rot whether the drums exist or not. I feel like I should be fine-polishing a human skull while I listen to portions of Repent, so if you have one handy, make with that store-bought shine!
More about: Sujo