The rough draft — the scourge of public schooling. Chided for writing ideas, just capturing the outline of thoughts. But what if the rough draft was the finished product, brainstorming rewarded and creativity embraced in favor of wringing out personality to complete a five-paragraph essay on the moon landing or on why Holden Caulfield is a mirror of ourselves? Literary malarkey destroying exploration that demands deeper attention. Thousand Foot Whale Claw doesn’t fall for the traps; English teachers be damned (as they have been in ‘murican school systems the past 35 years)! Time Brothers is the rough form of the Austin band’s more “polished” releases, but in this moment, the rough sketches are the meat. Thirty-minute opus “Fleshcave”: the tethered ramblings of that high guy who became a neurosurgeon. “Slobos”: the work of the Goth girl who became a premiere fashion designer in love with color and couture. It’s the world of Thousand Foot Whale Claw, a band in the roughest form producing music of the greatest impact. Sorry, Ms. Shirley Lyster; you couldn’t tame me and you can’t tame Thousand Foot Whale Claw.
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