I’m often asked if I miss Seattle (A: every day). And though I could point to the weather, the culture, the atmosphere and the thrill I got from seeing every second bit trend come and go, the honest answer is no duo like #tits is going to spring forth from the Midwest. Which is a shame because #tits is something straight outta Rookie, except far more vitriolic and destructive. BFFs, each side seemingly proclaiming a cup size. The album’s cover a cheeky reference to the other objectified area of a woman. But the music, oh the music. It’s a brutal guitar assault from G. Kate Wiebe & Rachel N. LeBlanc; a raw, visceral display of noise acumen in a scene where a “lack” of women is but a reality existed with blinders. There’s no doubt that this is noise of the highest annoyance and its sting is intensified by it being proudly amplified by two women. In Seattle, it’s a shrug and a bit of pride. But here in middle America, #tits couldn’t be a bigger middle finger if it was a giant foam hand that had a walking fish and rainbow bumper sticker stuck to it. Of course times are changing and the youth are breaking those standards, but the old guard is refusing to let go of its position in the High Castle. #tits are the sort of rallying cry — beyond the gender and genre they occupy — that makes a silent generation take notice, and not just objectively.
More about: #tits