From the label that brought you Workin’ Man Noise Unit and an excellent Blackhoods tape earlier this year comes another Toddlers joint, a winding staircase of bass-led, arpeggio-heavy rock that seems almost a patient, heady reverse-doppelganger to technical bands like Hella and Dilute while flaunting the same ridiculous chops when they need to. Then the vocals come in and shit, I’m thinking Shudder To Think and Cheval De Frise and fuck, Dead Science isn’t out of the question even. As Flavor Flav would say: It all adds up to a funky situation. Just when you assume they’re playing it straight they wet your whistle with another jump-kick and you’re on your ass. Maybe a tad tiring over two full tape sides of action, almost too much of a good thing. It’s up to you to decide if that’s possible. Ltd to fitty copies.
More about: Toddlers