It’s no secret how much passion is poured into modern independent music. The proliferation of DIY ethos enabled by the World Wide Web has given music fans no shortage of outlets and media choices with which to absorb all genres in nearly all formats. However, this alone will not keep independent, underground, or off-the-radar music afloat. Labels still making inroads and impacts continue to shutter.
These morose realities do correlate to what still remains. It’s never an issue of desire or hard work; it’s not even chalked up to perseverance. Many labels who have found success and a modicum of income peter out while others, always operating in the red and exhausting its champions with tour and release schedules that are relentless continue to survive. Where Full Spectrum operates within this…spectrum…is of (no) concern. When we find labels, artists, and personalities worth championing, we must do our part. It’s not always about opening your wallets, PayPals, and Venmos (that does help), but putting in the time.
Andrew Weathers’ baby is now 10 years old. To celebrate this momentous occasion, Full Spectrum has released Infinite Futures, which seems to speak to this idea of the many forks in the road Full Spectrum has taken to get to this point and what lies ahead. As its title suggests, it pays homage to where Full Spectrum has been as well as where the music of a droning generation may go with or without Full Spectrum. This double cassette (signifying the first piece of media to help many of these smaller labels to gain traction) is bursting with some Full Spectrum alum (Glou Glou, Blaine Todd, Dibson T. Hoffweiler), peers (Seth Chrisman, Nathan McLaughlin), and interesting pairs of talent (Sarah Hennies & Tanner Menard) that speak to where the label — and a scene — can still forge forward. It stands as evidence to the amalgamation that continues in this melting pot of sound, culture, and ideas. We’ll all cross our fingers and toss a few cents into the virtual guitar case in hopes that Full Spectrum survives at least another decade, but at least we know that the future will not be bleak regardless of the outcome. The future is not predetermined, so make sure you heed this message as you press forth into the unknown.
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