It’s funny as FUCK how things turn out. I can guarantee that if, in 1981, if I had been a teen, and Mitch Easter had shown me this Village Pistols 7-inch alongside R.E.M.’s first single (which apparently was recorded on the same tape!) I can imagine my reaction, knowing my young self: “Man, love the Village Pistols stuff. Those other guys ‘r’ bitches.” That ‘those other guys’ would go on to be superstars doesn’t change a thing about this awesome little record, either. Village Pistols, infected with a scorching case of punk rabidity, explode from the speakers like napalm and will damage your genetic make-up just as much if not more. “Strawberry Fields Forever” is the kind of cock-knocker I always expect to get from a Last Laugh platter but it doesn’t make it any less a pleasure when it happens again, as it just did. OOF, fucker! The b-side yanks a little less crank but you’ll forgive it. Vinyl so tubby it’s trying to lose weight, too. So damn heavy.
More about: Village Pistols