I came into Zåth’s debut 7-inch naive and left it bleeding anally and crying in the corner, in a towel. How exactly does a band featuring a member of Cave (not to mention GA’AN) sound like this? I’m bloody-well on board with absolutely everything that occurs over the course of this 45 RPM platter, from the blackened metal shards to the hardcore to the NWOBHM to the Forced Entry-then/White Shit-now thrash. I might seem a bit eager to champion side-project metal (having backed that Tim Cohen black-metal group, not to mention that Dominic Fernow black-metal group and that Mt. Eerie black-metal group) but when it’s this fun I just don’t give a fuck. They appear to know their shit, besides. Produced to maim and trebly enough to kill a dog. Looks like you picked the wrong week to quit crank…
More about: Zåth