♫♪  18+ - “Trunks”

Wholesale lot. Baby shoes and LOLs. Slamming as hard as you can twist it. Nights are cheaper immersed in water. Fishing for something final or sedentary might blow the whole operation. Like mud in the basement during a flood: if you stir it frequently enough, it won’t build up and linger longer than you’d like. Like. Like Jeff in Paris. Breaking nine lives on a gorilla’s back. Your only protection is a sharded bottle.

‘Cause it’s all about that young honesty. Take it everywhere with two hands tied to two feet, and they’re all of different people. Growing up around women. You become a woman. What’s a woman? Slow point. Modest make-believe. A dangling rope out a high-rise window. Calls at the office. Calls on your desk phone. Stripped to staples and scraps of paper. Babies and cracked skulls. Danny post-cancer. Lifting 150 lbs. Next-day delivery. Shoes ain’t cheap. Struggle, child.

• 18+: https://soundcloud.com/18plus18plus18plus
• 18+: http://18plus18plus18plus.tumblr.com
• 18+: http://www.youtube.com/user/18plus18plus18plus

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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