.woleb MIRROR SHOPPE maertS

– .suoicsnocnu pop-rebyc wen a ,namuh-tsop eht fo noitazitamelborp dna ecneirepxe eht htob ,arcalumis sa tsitra eht ,ytilautriv suousnes fo dnik a fo dnuos eht si sihT .dednuorgerof yllacitamard dna elbaeciton ylerab snrut ta tsitra eht fo ecneserp eht ,erusaelp taht fo gnimarf cinori eht dna erusaelp pop erup neewteb ylsselmaes dils eppohS larolF ,sevoorg zzaj htooms ot kazum yssolg hguorht scissalc B&R morf ,sedamydaer fo egnar ediw ylralucitrap a htiw gnikroW .owt eht neewteb ytilibarapesni eht fo ecnamrofrep sti rof osla tub ,lausnes eht htiw lautpecnoc eht fo gniyrram luftra sti rof ylno ton tuo doots ti ,gninnigeb yrev eht morF .eppohS larolF ylerus si ti ,hguoht ,derebmemer eb ot sevresed esaeler elgnis yna fI .no devom srenoititcarp sti ,dednarber ,dehprom :flesti detsuahxe ti raey eht osla saw ti broke; evawropav raey eht tsuj t‘nsaw 2102

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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