♫♪  $3​.​33 - DRILL

I bought the tape DRILL by $3.33 off Noumenal Loom because I had so much confidence in the output since their rerelease of DRAFT this year on Leaving Records. Since I purchased the $3.33 tape through Bandcamp, for some reason the Pre-Order wouldn’t let me download the digital. So, I sat around stumped in idle for a few days, but then found it on SoundCloud: full-stream [as it is below].

DRILL is different than DRAFT. Musically DRILL takes a house-twist, where DRAFT follows an onion-piano clasical-cut type thang. But both draw from the same twitch that makes the listener non-stop. Be extra and level up. Listen to DRILL below, and snoop the REEL-DEAL of what $3.33 was getting at in this glorious little blip of art.

DRILL, a durational performance and installation by the artist Madeline Hollander, took place at Signal, NY in 2016 and featured 7 dancers and an original score by Celia Hollander. This audio is a studio recorded and adapted version from the 3 hour live score.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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