♫♪  Actress Pets - Actress Pets [album stream]

That little squeal tells you what’s to come. It’s like a distant voice screaming, warning you of the approaching stampede. And then you start to feel the rumble. It gets louder. And louder. “Ah man, I just wanted to go for a swim. I didn’t want this to turn into some underwater dance party.” Small ripples of water begin to splash against each other as they all move toward you. It’s getting closer.

Seriously, the bass alone on this self-titled from London producer Actress Pets is enough to make your neighbors move out. I’m talking plates shaking off the shelves low. If they are old, they might not even be able to hear this frequency. They might just think it’s an earthquake (or stampede). And that’s before the mountains of rippling guitars and squealing voices start rolling in.

Check it out below. You can buy it in October on CD (?) from AMDISCS or for however-much-you-want over at Bandcamp. Then blast it so those old farts move out and I can move in next door. I really want to live in your area of town.

• AMDISCS: http://www.amdiscs.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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