♫♪  ADULT. - “122 Hours of Fear”

“122 Hours of Fear” is a song originally by The Screamers, a phantom LA punk band of the late 70’s who never recorded or released a record. Now, the Detroit duo ADULT. is covering the track to herald their return back to recorded music. Their cover should maybe be called “113 Minutes of Fear,” however, as they’ve spent the past several years engineering Three Grace(s), their three-film horror cinema experience, which runs at that length and was screened with ADULT.’s live soundtrack accompaniment.

This cover employs a bit more control than the original, as delivered by frontman Tomata du Plenty. The clarity makes it disarming in its own way, while also giving it a sense of B-movie melodrama by allowing us to hear the paranoia in the lyrics, and later the seemingly arbitrary yet highly sinister “122” repeated again and again until the song goes off it’s tracks.

ADULT.’s Shari Vari / 122 Hours of Fear 7” is available now from Ghostly International.

• ADULT.: http://www.adultperiod.com
• Ghostly: http://www.theghostlystore.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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