Witch house. Not the genre, but like an actual witch house. That’s how the new tape from Austin’s Ak’chamel sounds. The label, Centipede Farm, describes it as shaman rock. Alright. Like chanting around huge fires and summoning shit and Fucking With Spirits. ‘Cept shamans were praised for their divine abilities while witches were burned at the stake. Although, if spirits are all rooted in existence after life, then I suppose those who fuck with ‘em get what’s coming to them in the afterlife. The band’s name even sounds like words from some curse enscribed onto old parchment paper. Each of the tape’s tracks confusing themselves with old field recordings of some snake-charmed happenings. Like all those dusty records in the locked room in The Skeleton Key. Are these recordings ritualistic or just made to sound that way through the divine blessing of production?
Fucking With Spirits is available now from The Centipede Farm.
• Ak’chamel: http://akchamel.bandcamp.com
• Centipede Farm: http://centipedefarm.com
More about: Ak'chamel