♫♪  ALMA - Innocent Skin

has released a bundle of ritualistic goods under the title Innocent Skin via her Tumblr, holyangelgal. The made-to-order rarities include a 9-track album and accompanying “story” on a bedazzled, heart-shaped USB, a holy water kit, and what Alma calls a “pass cord kit” to be utilized as follows:

Open the bag, take out the card with feather tweezers, soak it with HOLY WATER. With the embossed code, unlock the data. Inside of USB, album, a story which became the background of this album is contained.

I’m inclined to lineate this description, to shape it into a wing, like,

Open the bag, take out the card with feather tweezers,
soak it with HOLY WATER. With the embossed
code, unlock the data. Inside of
USB, album, a story which
became the background
of this album is

Hear some samples below and then ((( glide ))) ….

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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