The minimalist style recently embraced by New York rappers/producers Roc Marciano and Ka yielded at least two of the best hip-hop albums of 2012 (namely Roc’s Reloaded and Ka’s Grief Pedigree, which I covered here). Another rapper/producer who’s put his own spin on this no-frills, back-to-basics approach is South Bronx-based rapper/producer $amhill, whose debut music video, “Poetic Justice,” directed by none other than Ralph McDaniels, premiered just over a year ago. Last week, The Almighty $amhill finally dropped his first solo release via With seven songs and not a minute of wasted space, The Preface does exactly what an EP is supposed to, giving us just enough material to simultaneously satisfy our hunger for now while whetting our appetite for more.
Download The Preface here.
• $amhill;
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