It’s hard to place Anthony Dicap’s taste into one genre, but by mixing club, grime, hip hop, and do-I-smell-a-touch-of-EDM, the Brooklyn based DJ curates a mix that is, in one word, relentless. In his MIX 4 SAUL (also featured on the “BOYFRIENDS KIKI INTERNACIONAL RADIO SHOW”), he describes his sounds as futuristic, which is fitting and probably more realistic than the sounds other electronic music is imagining. Dicap plays with predicting a future than is as gritty and real as the world today, not one that is filled with lasers and flying cars. This mix, too, is filled with references to radio hip hop that humble and allow Dicap to be more experimental at other points of the curation. And, of course, Dicap does what he does best: proving that the queer NY scene bangs real hard.
• Anthony Dicap:
More about: Anthony Dicap