♫♪  BABEFAKE - エレクトロニックセンセーション

Wooooooooooooooo…yeahhhh,,,,,,,1,,,,,!,,!!,,,,,,, Helll if i ain’ttt, i ain”t’tttt, yeahhhhhhhh. whahahyyyyyyyyy AHH hellyahhhhh hhhhhh,,,, hey. Saaauuccee, neverr too much. AYE. T’ssssssssss, eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eye eeeeeeeeeeeeee!e! eye-eeeee. ‘_’ DEE DEE DEEE DE E DEEE*warp*

Classic vaporwave continues to prevail on Naughty Night. New BABEFAKE is エレクトロニックセンセーション. Bust out the translator. Or just fucking relax already, like…. ok—ok ok . . I’m okayy. . .

Self-image will forever be associated with vaporwave: the more make-up in layers = callous. I will sing this next one to you, vocals or not, “Look me in the eye eye eye eyeeeeeddd eeeeee e e ee.. . . .

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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