♫♪  Beat Detectives - “Heard It In The Club”

Me and the wife just signed for a new apartment in Flushing. Shit is decked in Chinese [everything]. It’s what’s up, but super stressful because of all the “What if’s?” and “Don’t tell them…” Then it’s like “Oh, shit: CREDIT CHECKS!” Followed by “We’re spending too much money on…” But then “Heard It In The Club” drips into our systems driving home from shoe and apartment shopping, and that groove drops like a dump in our collective pants.

Falling in love with Beat Detectives during each one of their pearl-droplets of pure party mayhem is forever an oroburos in pleasure. And “Heard It In The Club” is 100. It’s 1000. Beat Detectives are the inventors of the 1,000,000 emoji. Then they’ll sell pants and underwears and totes in 1,000,000 emoji tags. Until then, y’all will just have to “deal” with Beat Detectives’ pure professional productionism. Hi!

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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