♫♪  Body lvl - Petri

Dive into a collage of sound envisioned mirages hallucinating brain chemicals at a speed so pure and crystalline, distinguishing reality from vision-quest is incomprehensible. Feeling with sonic vibration, sonar’d by echos melting and reforming, spawning depths of time and space between one step. Now the left foot. Rain when it’s just the sprinkler of the neighbor next door, and smiling and waving and stopping, soaking in the normal, but maybe it’s best to keep moving. Time like Dali. Meditation in the garden of nodes and this Body lvl maintains subtle fluctuations that are rarely heard by the naked-ear. Achieving full Petri upon a mountain of bliss that’s the center mound of the softball field down the block, and it’s night time, so maybe that isn’t just a shadow lingering by the right-field fence. Just walk away to where?

Lillerne Tapes dropped Petri by Body lvl mid-August and awaits each traveler daring enough to take the plunge in sound-visions. Don’t delay your quest any longer:

• Body lvl: https://soundcloud.com/bodylvl
• Lillerne Tapes: http://www.lillernetapes.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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