We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I’m standing there on a balcony in summer air.


I have ultimately decided that life, for all of its decadent suffering, is good. There’s misery, sure—as BOE STRUMMER might say, UNLOVE MISERY— but there is also contentment, pleasure, all that good stuff we’re always searching for, sometimes triumphantly, sometimes in vain. But love and all that, makes it all worth it, right?


This love is difficult but it’s real.


I connect with these lyrics, sure, but do I even like Taylor Swift? Perhaps, in an ironic way, but I’ve decided to try and purge irony as of late, as it’s a tired trope that has relentlessly enveloped the Millennial condition. Sure it might be futile, trying to purge cynicism from the human condition, but fuck it, like what you like, you know?


On the flip side, maybe irony sterilizes the mind, provides some degree of skepticism in a world filled with untruths. In the end, I agree with Taylor’s mildly existential plea—Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think.


Listen below as BOE STRUMMER and his contemporaries (LOUIS ME, nunu, DETENTE, and ÆRGAB) put their own spin on Swift’s “Love Story.” Maybe there’s irony in the pairing of these two genres (*experimental electronic* and glitzy pop), maybe there’s sincerity, but in the end, these tracks are just good. So fuck it. Stream below.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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