TMT friend and consistent provider, M. Sage released another group of stretching melodies from his Patient Sounds imprint. The Heaven House tape is from Salt Lake City resident Braeyden Jae who just released a separate tape on Oakland label Inner Islands seventeen days prior, under the leaf-covered moniker softest. The June 7 release Music for Rain, in Braeyden’s words, produced “sound reflections for a rainy day, or a day when you want some rain” and plays out like the illuminated small span time at storms end when clouds clear and the water warms.
Heaven House is the cloudy predecessor, where Braeyden was inside before the storm cleared. The blinds were half drawn and his room was barely lit from outside, reading or messing with something else that doesn’t glow. The tape wanders in and out, barely able to keep it’s head up and I’m going to go walk around and listen to this.
Heaven House is out on Patient Sounds [Editor’s Note: Check out the boss-ass link address when you get there too, for LAWLZ’s sake].
• Braeyden Jae:
• Patient Sounds:
More about: braeyden jae