♫♪  bryantcanelo - “Pic-A-Watt”

There’s something important going on in the bryantcanelo world. Pick a track. “Pic-A-Watt.” Listen to how the fellah switched sounds from 928 / cold sweat to around PC_MUZAK. Like, there’s that same type of playful and jovial vibe. And similar depth in layers and maximilism controlled with focus in expansion. The sounds in comparison are even similar when relating them to general emotional response; no matter how opposite boom-bap to synthetic keys are, when you compare bryantcanelo’s works and find the basis of his musicianship, all the dude wants is to make you smile. “Pic-A-Watt” sounds like finding a pile of electronics in a dump — all fairly NOS, but technology ain’t cyclical, so it’s tossed out — and picking out parts for hours with the biggest grin. bryantcanelo turn’ts tossed technology into a goldmine. But most importantly, as if this tech had feelings, he repurposes it’s life.

“Pic-A-Watt” is also similar to what other beat-heads been advancing into recently. bryantcanelo is not EXACTLY like D/P/I, Ahnnu, OBLIV (as DarkTwaine), LORD SMS, and Susan Balmar… but definitely someone who stems and wants to further advance from beat tapes, while not wasting what he’s learned in the process. Progression is the name of the game. Though, I’m SURE we haven’t heard the last of his sample-/loop-affairs, bryantcanelo’s new direction sounds boundless and bountiful for the near future.

• bryantcanelo: https://soundcloud.com/bryantcanelo

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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